Eye doctor in Ridgewood
The shape and curvature of your cornea can result in less than ideal vision. And so it is true with astigmatism, which often results in blurry or wavy vision at all distances. We at Vista Vision Optical recommend a yearly visit to our
eye doctor in Ridgewood for a complete examination, which will diagnose the presence of astigmatism. Treatment is simple and effective with either eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Under normal circumstances, in which your vision is good enough to not require correction, your cornea is round. Astigmatism is marked by the cornea becoming shaped more like a spoon. What happens as a result of this is that you can only focus on a portion of what you're looking at due to the fact that light is being refracted more in one direction than it is in the other. Your vision suffers, and then you need corrective lenses. Astigmatism is caused by pressure on the eyelids or corneas from looking too long at things up close or even from poor posture. But heredity can also be a factor. Some babies are even born with astigmatism. Our eye doctor in Ridgewood will be able to detect any changes to the shape of your cornea during the course of a routine annual checkup. There are not always obvious symptoms ahead of time, but if you have been noticing that you have eye fatigue, headaches, eye strain, or blurry vision, then you should be seen promptly, regardless of when your next exam is supposed to be scheduled. Eyeglasses or contacts are equally efficient in addressing astigmatism. You may need bifocal or trifocal lenses if you have astigmatism in conjunction with either nearsightedness, farsightedness, or both.
Please get in touch with our office and arrange a good time for you to come in for an examination by our
eye doctor in Ridgewood.
By Vista Vision Optical
January 25, 2018
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