While astigmatism is a fairly common condition of the eye, many patients who have either been diagnosed with astigmatism or those who have newly received a determination that they have astigmatism, may not fully understand the term. Astigmatism refers to both the shape of your eye as being slightly more oval rather than perfectly spherical and the coordinating vision problems you may have as a result of this condition. If the eye is thought to be shaped like a marble or perfectly round ball, an eye with the presence of astigmatism may be likened to that as the curvature found in the back of a spoon. Identifying any astigmatism as well as the degree of severity is part of the process during a comprehensive eye examination at Vista Vision Optical. Our expertly trained team of professionals will also be able to recommend personalized astigmatism treatment in Bushwick.
During an in-depth eye examination at Vista Vision Optical, our extensively experienced professionals will not only conduct a vision acuity test to determine the amount of impact your astigmatism has had on your sight, but we will also thoroughly examine your eyes. Once we are able to make a final determination regarding your astigmatism treatment in Bushwick, we will conduct a comprehensive consultation with you to explain our findings and possible courses of action. Whether you are considering traditional eyeglasses or would like to explore the possibility of using contact lenses for your treatment our knowledgeable and personable team will be able to explain all facets of these options and how they will work best for you.
We encourage you to schedule a convenient eye examination at Vista Vision Optical to assess your astigmatism treatment in Bushwick as well as to make an appointment for any of your vision or eye care health concerns. We are open six days per week to meet the demands of our patient’s hectic schedules. Please feel free to contact our compassionate staff to not only set up your office visit, but to address any concerns you may have as a new patient. We look forward to meeting with you soon and determining how we can ensure you enjoy crystal clear vision and healthy eyes.
By Vista Vision Optical
November 24, 2015